Bex Couper

Bex is a qualified City of London Green Badge Guide and is passionate about sharing the hidden side of our ancient city to a wider audience. As a former BBC producer, she’s used her skills as a consummate communicator to good use. She particularly loves revealing a different view of the city and still is astonished that our square mile, full of modern skyscrapers, has a Roman city buried beneath the streets. Walking in the footsteps of our ancestors is a particular interest.

She also loves the ‘untold’ story – the secret female investors who learned to gamble on the stock exchange in an era where women supposedly had no money of their own. And the fantastic female shop owners along Cheapside who ran profitable businesses in the ‘Oxford Street’ of the city. That love of the female pioneers transcends to Bow where she enjoys bringing the story of The Matchstick factory girls and the Suffragette, Sylvia Pankhurst to life.

Her regular walks include Pioneering Women of the City.

When Bex isn’t walking and talking she loves discovering exciting new places to eat and shopping in the vintage outlets in the plethora of our London markets. She lives in Hackney with her family, two cats and a dog.

Guided Walks with Bex

Private tours with Bex

If you thought the City of London was just stone, concrete, steel and glass be prepared to be surprised. With Susan, your qualified City of London guide, discover just some of its secret spaces including hidden gardens.
Discover the history hidden beneath our feet.
Despite playing significant roles in shaping society throughout history, women's achievements have frequently been disregarded or erased from the historical record. This private tour highlights the extraordinary women who founded charities, championed workers' rights and paved the way for future generations.
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