Visit Egypt (Virtually)

This is for lovers of Ancient Egypt.

If you missed visiting the TUTANKHAMUN: Treasures of the Golden Pharaoh exhibit at Saatchi Gallery then fret not.

I have been lucky enough to have visited Egypt twice, once for my 21st birthday and the millenium and the other on my honeymoon. Ancient Egypt has called to me for as long as I can remember.

Who was Tutankhamun?
Egypt’s most famous pharaoh is Tutankhamun. The ‘bog king’s’ intact tomb was discovered in 1922 by British explorer Howard Carter and his financier Lord Carnarvon.  The discovery captured the imagination of the world, triggering a frenzy of media attention, asking questions such as ‘how did Tutankhamun die, and was it murder?’ and ‘ was there really a curse?’

Here are two fascinating documentaries for you to enjoy:

1.  BBC Tutankhamun The Truth Uncovered

2.  Tutankhamun Exhibition London 2019 at Saatchi Gallery

Hazel Baker is an award-winning London Tour Guide and qualified CIGA guide who delivers guided walks and private tours in London. View all of Hazel’s walking tours.


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